Ever wondered what it would be like to make every recipe in a book, just like in Julie & Julia?
Cris of Goodeness Gracious wondered just that and starting in just a few days, she's diving in with both feet...AND she's taking on the challenge with one of OUR books!
Her idea is to pick a favorite Gooseberry Patch cookbook and then cook (and blog!) her way all the way through it...that's every recipe, folks.
Exciting stuff!
First, though...she needs YOUR help. Click over to Goodeness Gracious and VOTE for one of the three books she's considering.
It'll be a tough choice between 5 Ingredients or Less, What's For Dinner? and Mom's Favorite Recipes but try to pick just one. Next week, she'll reveal which book is the winner and get started!
Thanks for choosing Gooseberry Patch cookbooks to take along
on your adventure, Cris...we're looking forward to the fun!