We're having a new Secret Ingredient recipe contest and it starts today!
How does it work?
Just send us your tried & true recipes made with our favorite fall fruit...apples!
Do you have the very best recipe for apple turnovers? Send it in!
Do you add apples to cookies, salads or casseroles? Share it!
Have a scrumptious idea for adding apples to ANY recipe? We want it!
We'll pick one winner from every recipe submitted with apples as an ingredient, between now and midnight EST on Sunday, the 19th...the winner gets a FREE Gooseberry Patch cookbook!
Which cookbook could you win?
It's a SECRET!
You can enter as often as you like, so get started! We'll announce the winning recipe and the secret-prize cookbook here on Monday, September 20th.
Good luck!
IMPORTANT NOTE: All recipes must be submitted on our website before midnight EST, Sunday, September 19, 2010. In order to be entered in our contest, please put "apples" in the Special Code field of your recipe. Thanks!